
楊定一在他的書 “無事生非:不同,甚至顛倒的生命與靈性觀” 裡寫道:

“你我這一生,都是透過「動」想得到什麼東西——也許是強化某一些價值觀,標榜自己的角色,取得怎樣的好處,改善這一生甚至下一生的命運,或得到什麼意義。就連修行,一樣你我這一生,都是透過「動」想得到什麼東西——也許是強化某一些價值觀,標榜自己的角色,取得怎樣的好處,改善這一生甚至下一生的命運,或得到什麼意義。就連修行,一樣離不開這種「動」或追求,都想在最後得到點什麼——領悟、開悟、頓悟或是「全部生命系列」所稱的「醒覺」。 我們都忘了,修行其實是「在」的觀念,倒不是靠「動」。”

楊定一所指出的“在”就是英文的being。 也有人將being翻譯為“所是”。原來修行的目的不是就是我們所“修”的“行”,而是透過修行來讓我們體驗和活在每一個當下裡。 原來尋尋覓覓,兜兜轉轉,我們才發現生命的寶藏和豐盛就在現在,就在這裡,就在我們裡面。不再活在“虛幻”裡,而是真實的現在當下,那就是我們修行的目標和目的。其實,我們並不需要去哪裡,就在“現在”。




作為牧師,我以為又何止佛法是這樣,我們基督教也相信上帝和上帝的道也離我們不遠,在我們的心裡,等待我們去追求和發現。 只不過是我們是否去發現而已。

其實無論是何種的大智慧都要我們往心裡去。 不再停留在表面,而是要往深裡去。這是我們靈魂的需要和呼聲。

How do we read the ancient text about God by the ancient writers?

In his book, “The Bible Tells Me So…Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable To Read It”, Peter Enns wrote:

“Speaking for Christians, capturing land and holding on to it by violence is not a gospel way of living.  Christians today, therefore, have an obligation not to ‘follow the Bible’ here, not allow the ancient tribal description of God in the Old Testament to be the last word.  These ancient writers had an adequate understanding of God for them in their time, but not for all time – and if we take that to heart, we will actually be in a better position to respect these ancient voices and see what they have to say rather than whitewashing the details and making up ‘explanation’ to ease our stress.  And for Christians, the gospel has always been the lens through which Israel’s stories are read – which means, for Christians, Jesus, not the Bible, has the final word.  The story of God’s people has moved on, and so must we”.

Yes, I do feel the stress as I have had many conversations with people about the violence, the genocide, and many other topics we feel unacceptable.  In this book, Peter has offered many insights to help us to approach the Bible in a different perspective.